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Current Account

Everyone in Germany should have a current account to manage their financial matters. For example it is necessary for salary payments or social benefits. You are free to choose whether it's with a bank or savings bank (Sparkassen).

Anyone with a checking account can withdraw money from an ATM. (Symbol image)

Please note that every financial institution has different costs and services. It's worth comparing several banks and savings banks (Sparkassen). 

You need your

  • national identity card or passport and
  • proof of your residence permit or residence registration to open an account.  

You will receive a cash card for your account. It provides you with many practical options in everyday life. For example, you can check your account balance, print out account statements or pay at shops.


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Picture credits

  • Getty Images/enigma images
  • Thomas Wagner/Stadt Stuttgart
  • SMG/Thomas Niedermüller
  • Martin Lorenz/Stadt Stuttgart